Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Growing up too fast

I am sure I have already said this a thousand times, but Anderson gets more and more fun to be around everyday. They just grow up so fast, and if you blink you miss it.

He is "talking" a lot more now, especially after his morning nap. We can have an entire conversation about who knows what. I pretend I know what he is saying, but obviously I have no clue. I really wish I knew what was going on inside that pretty little head. We are on a pretty good schedule right now. He has been sleeping from 8pm - 6am, and only occasionally wakes up either at midnight or 3am every so often to eat. He then takes a morning nap at around 8 and his afternoon nap around noon. Sometimes he can stay up until his bedtime, or he will take another nap at around 5pm.

We have several play stations to try to keep him entertained, a play mat, a walker, and a bouncy chair. Soon we will be getting a jolly jumper, which I hope he will enjoy as well. He loves when we take a walk outside, either just around the yard or on our daily walks. He also LOVES watching the dogs. He will just stare at them laying on the floor or follow them with his eyes wherever they go. It will be interesting when he starts crawling to see how he interacts with them. Right now Clyde is still indifferent to him. He doesn't ever want to get that close. But we can tell that he wants to protect him. Sometimes at night I have caught Clyde sleeping in Anderson's room. And one night when our neighbor was shooting his pistol to kill an iguana, Clyde went to lay by Anderson's crib. I think he knows he is part of the family, but he still wants to keep his distance for now.

We just took our first family pictures and I cannot wait to see all of them. You can check out a sneak peek of them at www.shaefferphotography.blogspot.com. It was a lot of fun and Anderson did pretty well. Can't wait until he gets a little bit older and will do what you say for the pics (I hope). But Lexi did such a great job trying to keep Anderson entertained and she was able to get him to smile some and actually look at the camera.

I am back at work now and not really enjoying it. I like staying at home with Anderson, but luckily school is almost out for the summer, so I don't have to be here too much longer. Craig is doing great as a stay at home dad. I have definitely noticed that Anderson really loves his daddy. I find this both great and sad. Only sad because I am jealous of the time I am losing with him during the day. Sometimes when I come home I feel like Anderson doesn't remember me or did not miss me at all while I was gone. I am sure he has no idea what is going on and still loves me no matter what.

This is such an adventure, and we are loving every minute of it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 months old

It is amazing how much Anderson changes week to week. We see him developing and learning new skills every day (of course we think he is so advanced). He smiles a lot, which I cannot get enough of. He has been batting at and grabbing toys, sort of walking in his walker, and rolling on to both sides. He has gotten better at tummy time, lifting his head up for a long time and actually staying on his tummy for a while. At first he would get upset and cry when he was on his stomach. But as I am typing this, he just fell asleep during tummy time. I have started baby signing with him. He won't be able to sign back anytime soon, but hopefully knows what is going on and he can soon tell us what he wants before he speaks. I am really excited about it. Every morning I do the ABC's and he just stares at my hand while I am signing, so hopefully that is a good sign.

He is growing so big. Some mornings when I pick him up I swear he is bigger than the night before, like I can feel he is heavier and longer. He has grown out of a lot of clothes, and some of the clothes we got he never even got to wear. I am so glad we received used clothing from friends so we don't feel bad about him growing out of them.

Last night he slept in his crib and own room for the first time. I of course did not get much sleep worrying about hearing him and just worrying in general. The monitor we have works great, but I still got up everytime I heard him, which I know now I just need to let him sleep. A couple times in the night when I went to check he was wide awake, I gave him his pacifier and he went right back to sleep. I am going to work on just letting him figure it out on his own, because I know he can. Also, Craig built a UT longhorn mobile to hang in the crib which Anderson loves looking at.

We are having so much fun with him and each day only gets better. We have been trying to go on walks everyday to get me back in some sort of shape and keep the dogs in shape. Anderson seems to love our walks. He just looks around everywhere at the trees and sky. He has fallen asleep a few times, but mostly he is so content with taking in what is all around him.

We are going in on Thursday to apply for his US passport. The US requires so much information it is ridiculous. I am surprised they don't make me sign it in blood and hand over my first born son to get it. I have to give locations and dates of everywhere I have ever lived, all our marriage info, when Craig and I first met, and Craig's divorce info. I am really not sure why a divorce decree is needed since that has nothing to do with our child. Like I said they need a lot of information. We are going to look into getting the Grenada passport as well, which surprisingly is really easy to get, I just need to get the paperwork.