Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Latest Ultrasound - definitely a BOY!

Craig and I went to get an ultrasound this past weekend at the hospital. Our doctor wanted to see if he had flipped from breech to head down. He is head down as of right now, hopefully he stays that way. We also know for sure now that he is in fact a boy since we saw his little testicles! I will now know not to believe the crazy wives tales on gender.

With the measurements of the head, abdomen, and femur, I was calculated a due date of December 18, which is not far off from the original December 21. Also he is an estimated weight of 5.7lbs right now. The doctor told me today that he thinks he will end up to be around 7 1/2 to 7 3/4lbs, which sounds like a good size to me. I definitely don't want him to get much bigger since I am doing this naturally!

We saw a really good picture of his face, with his little hands by his head. Craig thought it looked like he had chubby cheeks, but I was not able to tell.

I cannot believe I only have five more weeks to go! I am starting to get a lot more excited, but also very nervous for the labor part itself, I hope I make it! Craig thinks I am tough, but I am not so sure about that.

The baby movements are more rolling and just pushing out on my belly and less of hard kicks or punches. From the looks of the ultrasound he has some room in there, but it is getting to be tight quarters. One of my friends here mentioned that I went from being a little pregnant to looking really pregnant (thanks). I am going to have Craig take another picture today for all to see.

I am still not sleeping that well, rolling from one side to the next is getting tougher. I cannot sleep on my right side too long or my leg goes to sleep and my left side is not as comfortable. I cannot wait until I can sleep on my stomach again.

From here on out I am just meeting with my midwife and will only include the OB if problems arise.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baby Shower

I had my first and only baby shower yesterday. Thanks to everyone who threw it for me, I had a great time. I got to be in an air conditioned apartment, which was awesome, surrounded by great friends and ate great food. We played games, which I did not win, and after one of the games I am really anxious for my next ultrasound for gender confirmation. One of the games was figuring out old wives tales on gender. According to most of them, I should be having a girl. Hopefully they are indeed incorrect, and I will find out for sure this coming Saturday when I go in for another ultrasound. I really hope the ultrasound at 20 weeks was in fact correct since I am really happy with the boy name we have picked and all the blue clothing that was given to us.

Since Craig and I have already purchased almost everything we needed for the baby's arrival, at the shower I received two of the most important baby items we did not have, diapers and baby wipes. This was a great gift, I do not think you can have too many of these items. I also received some cute books, small toys, some onesies, and a really really cute fireman themed outfit with bib. I almost cried when I saw this because it is just too precious and our little guy can take after his father. One more big item we got was a baby swing. This was really unexpected, I was going to buy the swing from my friend, but graciously she gave it to us for a present. I definitely need to go by the store and get some thank you notes!

I think I have begun to nest. Today I decided to wash everything in Dreft, started packing my bag for the hospital, and stowed all the diapers and wipes in their place. Now if only Craig would finish building the crib, we would be set.