Monday, October 19, 2009

Months without Drinking!

As many know, I like to drink beer. But since becoming pregnant I have had to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. I know some say that some alcohol is okay, but with all the things that can go wrong with a baby, I do not want to introduce anything that might affect the baby. I wouldn't say I was a big drinker, but every weekend at least I did partake in several alcoholic beverages. Giving that up has actually been easier than I thought. I think if I was at home in the land of plenty and the land of huge beer selections, I am sure I would be having a tougher time at this. But since here in Grenada there is only about 5 choices of beer, none of which compare to my favorite wheat beers, it hasn't been so bad not drinking.

Some days though I really could go for a frosty one, but I stick to my water instead (definitely doesn't have the same affect). Not drinking does have some good sides though. I haven't had any hangovers, my liver likes me a lot more, it is safer driving, and less money spent on beer. My husband does seem to be making up for my lack of drinking sometimes though! I have not asked him to stop drinking, he can have his fun, but I did tell him that once we get around my due date, he cannot drink or can only have 2 max since he will be the one driving to the hospital. I think that's pretty fair.

I can't imagine if you were actually allowed to drink while pregnant, how many more bathroom breaks you would need. I feel like I am going all the time right now, the baby seems to be pressing on my bladder, possibly even jumping up and down on it. And then to add the effect of alcohol, I don't think you would ever leave the bathroom!

I cannot believe I only have nine more weeks to go, nine more weeks of no drinking. I have made it this far, I am sure I can get past the home stretch.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What a Relief

I went to the private hospital on Saturday to undergo the three hour long glucose tolerance test. I had to fast for at least eight hours and then drink an entire glass of sugar water when I got there. This test requires more glucose than the screening, so instead of drinking 50 grams, I had 75 grams. The blood guy said they perform the test by drawing blood every half hour for 2 1/2 hours, meaning five sticks in my arms. I really only have one good vein that you can easily see, and you can only stick that so many times. So now I am still slightly bruised from all the blood draws.

I got my results right away but I was not sure what they meant. They seemed high to me and I was afraid I had developed gestational diabetes. But luckily, I took my results into the OB today and he said it was good news and my results were normal! So I guess I am just growing big in the belly area, but at least it is not because the baby is too big. I am still going to try to cut down on the sweets since they are not good for us anyway.

Baby Tidwell seems to be doing acrobats in my belly sometimes. Last night you could feel him move from one side to the other, Craig was able to feel him too. It is funny, some days he moves all day, and the next not so much. He must just wear himself out some days. Craig believes he is already acting a lot like him (I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing!)

I can't believe I only have 10 weeks to go, but it still feels so far away. I am actually really liking being pregnant and not sure if I want to give that up any time soon. I only wish there was an invention that would allow me to sleep on my stomach, I really hate sleeping on my side. It seems like almost every hour or two I have to flip sides because my arm has gone to sleep or my shoulder is aching.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meeting with OB

I met with my OB today. I had to get directions from two different people to make sure I knew where his office was. There are no signs and the outside just looks like a large building or house. There was absolutely no one waiting to see him and I was able to walk right in for my appointment. Dr. Lendore, my OB, is a very nice person and really seems to know what he is talking about, so that is really reassuring. He was also the OB to one of my friends down here so I know what to expect. The dr. filled out a large fold out card with my information on it and details of today's visit. I now have to carry around this large fold out card with all my medical records from here attached to it to every dr. I see. I guess since I am seeing both him and a midwife I am in control of my records instead of being just at the dr.s office. But I do find it sort of strange.

I heard the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler, he said it sounded strong. He was kicking around while the dr. was feeling my stomach. He has changed positions since I was last seen, now he seems to be on my right side with arms and legs out to the left. When he measured my belly I am measuring larger than I should corresponding to how many weeks I am. I had a glucose screening test too early he said and I need to redo it to make sure I do not have gestational diabetes. My midwife had thought my level was fine, but I guess you cannot be too safe. So now I have to drink that sugar water again and wait an hour to see if my level is okay. If not then I must do the three hour test and possibly go on a diet, ugh! Hopefully it does not come to that. I am really hoping there is something in the genes because my mom said with my brother, her first child, she went through similar things that I am, showing late, and then one day, pop, a belly. I do not have any other signs of gestational diabetes, so I really hope I do not have it.

I am also going to get a test to check for antibodies in my blood. I am O negative and Craig is O positive so there is a chance the baby will be O positive as well. We won't know until he is born, but I guess they can screen before hand to see if there are antibodies present to see if I need the rhogam shot.

He decided my due date is December 21, so that is what I am now going with. So close to Christmas, sorry baby!

On a side note, my mother booked her ticket to come down here from January 1 to January 16! I am so glad she gets a little over 2 weeks to spend with us and the new addition (as long as he does not come too late).