So Anderson is full on walking now, sometimes speeding up to a slow run. It is amazing how much ground he can cover in a short amount of time. Who knew those little legs could move so fast.
His favorite way to pass the time away is to walk around the entire yard, walk in the dirt under the house, and walk up and down our driveway. We learned that you never try to pick him up when he is playing downstairs because he will throw a fit. For some reason he always needs to be carrying something in one of his hands while walking. He will pick anything up to use, a piece of grass or a pointy stick (his favorite thing to find). The only bad thing about playing in the dirt is that there are a lot of rocks for him to chew on. He thinks it is pretty funny to put a rock in his mouth and chomp down while running away from us as we try to get it out of his mouth. He is really sneaky too about eating rocks, sometimes you don't realize it until it has been in there a while, which is kind of scary.
He knows how to climb upstairs and knows how to get off of our bed (which is on the ground) and out the door safely, but he has not mastered going down more than one step.
His personality is really coming through now. He is such an active little boy and doesn't like things like dogs or us standing in his way. He barely takes the time to eat or sleep during the day since all he wants to do is play. He laughs a lot, which I love, and will look at me when he knows he is about to do something wrong and then smile. The best sound in the world is him laughing when Craig tickles his side with his beard. Anderson also likes to get his way. He has already started a short tantrum and new noise expression when I take something away from him that he cannot have or pull him away from the dog water bowls he loves splashing in. I have a feeling the terrible 2's are going to be really bad!
Even though he is quite a hand full, we are loving every minute of it. It is so much fun to interact with him, make him laugh, and cuddle with him in the morning. We are so blessed to have such a great little guy! Hopefully I can still say that when he becomes a teenager.
10 years ago
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