Of course it was all worth it when he came out and we saw his beautiful face and heard him cry. I received plenty of stitches since I went so fast, the midwife never had time to help stretch me out. I told Craig on one of the head pushes that I knew I ripped!
I had packed a bag to take to the hospital based on several lists I read about what to bring. I guess I need to make a new list on what to bring to a Grenadian hospital, we were so unprepared. I didn't bring any diapers since the US list said the hospital would have plenty, well they didn't, only one. Craig had to run to a little store to get some for the overnight stay. Also, I did not bring a blanket to wrap him up in, luckily someone had left one and we borrowed it. I did not bring a bath towel either, so the midwife had to find me a towel to use after my shower. And one last thing, I was not able to find maternity pads for the heavy flow after wards and the only heavy flow ones did not really do the job. I kept bleeding through and onto my clothes and onto the bed with white sheets. I also did not bring enough change of clothes. So now I know for next time to come way over prepared.
In the overnight hospital room they have an air conditioner, which stayed off most of the time since the nurse thought it was too cold in there for Anderson. Meanwhile, I am drenched in sweat trying to sleep dying of heat stroke. Anderson had on a onesie, footie pj's, a blanket, and a hat, yet they thought he was too cold. He was probably getting heat stroke too!
Since we have been home with him for over 2 weeks now, it has both been tough and wonderful at the same time. Luckily my mom got here to help when he was 2 days old, and just left yesterday. I am so glad she was able to visit us and really appreciated not having to do any dishes and laundry.
He wants to eat constantly and has now started not wanting to sleep during the day, he always is fighting off sleep. Since I am nursing, it has been tough keeping up with his constant demand of wanting to eat. I would really like to pump more so that Craig could help with feeding, but Anderson rarely gives me a break and he really doesn't leave any milk for me to pump in between feedings. Hopefully he will soon get tired enough to sleep long enough so I can get some more sleep. Craig is getting plenty of sleep, lucky daddy. He never wakes up at night when he cries or makes any noise. I wish I could sleep through all those noises that are not cries!
Hopefully we will both figure all this out soon enough. We both love him so much, even when he cries, he is the most precious and beautiful boy ever!
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