He has started to smile a lot, knows when we walk by him and enter the room, focuses his eyes on our face and everything around him. It is so neat to see a little bit of personality forming, cannot wait to see who he takes after more, for our sake I hope its Craig! My parents have told me many stories of how stubborn I was (still am) and I hope he doesn't get it from me, but it runs in the Tiller line so I am not sure how much of a chance he has of not getting it.
It is crazy how much you can love some little thing that only eats, pees, poops, cries, and sleeps. We cannot get over how beautiful he is and how much we love everything he does. Even when he cries, he has the cutest cry ever, you can't help but to say aww and even laugh. At first it only seemed like he wanted me. I guess since I was supplying all the food he could not be bothered with anyone else. But now he has turned more into wanting to be with daddy, which I love, but secretly wish he was still a momma's boy. It is great seeing him love Craig so much though, I am so glad they have a great bond going. I know he still loves me though, since I still am getting up at night to feed him. We also dance together which always calms him down.
For the most part he is a great baby. He really doesn't cry all that much and we are getting better at knowing what he wants. He has started sleeping 6-7 hours at night and the night feeding is usually only 2 oz. So I am hoping he is starting to get where he won't need to wake up to eat, I can dream I guess! I can't wait to move him into his own room and crib. Right now he is still in the bassinet/pack n play in our bedroom and I still hear him every time he moves around and makes noises even when he is asleep.
Every day seems to get better and better, this is such a fun time!