Now I have gone one week past my due date. If I do not have this kid by tomorrow, I will go in on Wednesday morning (Dec 30) to be induced. I really do not want to be induced by drugs so I am hoping our child stops being stubborn and comes out on his own. The problem is the Tiller side of the family is known for being quite stubborn and I am afraid he is taking after me!
I cannot believe we are really about to have a child within a couple days at the most. We are totally ready though, I cannot wait to meet him. I had another ultrasound the other day to make sure he was still doing well and we were able to see his beautiful face pretty clear. It looked kind of scrunched though since his head has moved down into my pelvis. Also we found out that the estimated weight is 8lb 7oz!!! I really hope that is an over estimate because having an 8lb baby naturally is going to hurt. He seems to be doing great inside of me, good movements, heart rate normal, breathing normal, I guess that is why he doesn't want to come out.
Well my next post should be pictures of us and our new addition, stay tuned!
10 years ago