Last night around midnight we had a lightening strike pretty close to our house. The power was knocked out only in our little neighborhood because we could see lights on in houses just up the hill. Having no power while you are trying to sleep really sucks. We no longer had fans to cool us off and to keep off the pesky mosquitoes. I sprayed myself heavily with bug spray, which really didn't help, and found something to fan myself with because I was starting to sweat. Of course we didn't have a breeze either, I was miserable. After about 30 minutes with no power, we actually saw a Grenlec truck come check the lines by our house. This was pretty amazing to us to actually see the electric company work so fast. They ended up fixing it pretty fast, probably an hour or so without electricity. I am really glad they got the power on fairly quick, especially since it was the middle of the night and on a weekend.
While we were waiting for the power to come back on and I couldn't go back to sleep I tried to play my PSP, but the mosquitoes were attracted to the light and would not leave me alone. I really hate when they buzz by your ear. Craig also stayed up a little to play his handheld game, but was actually able to go to sleep in the hotness. At one point I decided to lay on the tile floor to get cool. It actually helped and now I know why dogs love it so much. It was pretty uncomfortable, but at least I was cooling off.
I wonder if my little guy ever gets hot inside of me when I am burning up, or his he just so happy in all that fluid and could care less that he is making me uncomfortably warm. I hope he takes after his father and can take the heat pretty well. I have been told I radiate a lot of heat, especially at night while laying in bed. I am like an oven. Why am I living on a tropical island again? I cannot wait until it starts cooling off again!
10 years ago